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College Readiness for Parents

Destination - College

Dear Wicksburg High School Families,

I am excited to share a publication that I am confident will be useful to you. Your Teen Media, a magazine that specializes in advice and support for parents of teenagers, has created a digital publication called Destination → College:  A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the College Process. It is filled with helpful information about every step of the college process. College Selection Tips, Financial Aid, Application Processes, and Scholarship Opportunities are all covered – AND IT’S FREE.

If you would like a copy – and I hope you do – click here and it will get delivered to your email inbox.


Roger D. Sanders | Guidance Counselor


Cover of "Destination College:  A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the College Process." With two people looking at a laptop

Table of contents for "Destination undefined College:  A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the College Process."